Safety at construction sites

Safety at construction sites must be one of the main priorities when carrying out works, repairs or maintenance tasks, as this will maximize the protection of workers and the infrastructure itself.

Criminals and thieves see construction sites as a great opportunity to access valuable items, especially during times when work is not being done (such as nights, holidays, etc.).  Furthermore, on a construction site there are also risks to the health of workers who need systems capable of minimizing accidents.

Having an advanced security system for construction sites is the ideal solution to this problem, monitoring everything that happens on the construction site at all times.

Why safety on construction sites is important

Among the most significant aspects to install a protection and security system for construction sites we can highlight:

Take care of the health of workers

The use of machinery and equipment, chemical materials and electrical elements means that the risk of workers suffering accidents harmful to their health is high. With a good security system, these possible incidents are minimized, significantly increasing the protection of workers and other personnel participating in the work.

Prevent theft and vandalism

In the works there are elements that have great economic value and that are attractive to thieves and lovers of other people’s things. A security system for construction sites is the best alternative to prevent theft and possible acts of vandalism.

Have systems that alert outsiders

Safety systems on construction sites also act as elements to protect people outside the construction site, alerting and preventing them from accessing areas that have a potential danger to their health.

Comply with existing regulations

The occupational risk prevention law is mandatory in any type of construction work. In addition, there are other regulations that must be taken into account in these environments, such as the minimum health and safety provisions in construction works (Royal Decree 1627/1977) or the law regulating subcontracting in the construction sector (Law 32/2006).

With a good security system, all the requirements imposed by these regulations will be met, maximizing safety on the construction site, while avoiding possible fines or sanctions.

What are the risks in construction works

Safety at construction sites

There are many risks that exist in a construction site, both for people’s health and for its resources and material elements. The main risks that we can find in these environments are:

  • Lack of cleanliness and organization. They cause accidents due to a lack of order and cleanliness in different areas of the work (falls due to slippery areas or trips, uncovered holes…).
  • Injuries from projections. They occur when particles are released during the development of different tasks (cutting, drilling, welding…).
  • Overexertion. Due to lifting loads, tools… Electrical and chemical risks. When using elements that can generate dust, steam or toxic fumes, or due to poor electrical installation or maintenance (risks of explosion, electrocution, fire and poisoning are common in any modern work).
  • Noise. Caused by demolitions, use of machinery and tools, vehicles, etc.
  • External agents. Like excess heat or cold, rain, wind…
  • Unauthorized access. People not involved in the work who access dangerous areas due to inattention or lack of signage.
  • Thefts and acts of vandalism. Carried out by thieves or vandals who see in the works an opportunity to profit for themselves.

What are the recommended security systems for a construction site

On a construction site, it is necessary to implement safety systems specially designed to protect people, tools and equipment, and the materials used.

Having an advanced security and surveillance system is the best alternative to maximize safety on construction sites. For example, outdoor Wi-Fi surveillance cameras are key elements, as they allow large outdoor areas to be monitored automatically. These types of devices are capable of detecting movements and taking images and videos automatically. In addition, they include other technologies such as zoom, rotation and network access without the need for a cable, helping to raise the level of protection significantly.

The use of fences and signs is also essential to delimit which areas are not accessible on the construction site, which require special protection measures, etc. Delimiting and warning are two key aspects to guarantee the highest level of safety on a construction site. Having an alarm verification service specialized in perimeter protection systems will provide precise control over access to the work, issuing alerts when any unauthorized person accesses it.

Safety at construction sites is very important for the protection of infrastructure, materials, tools and equipment, and the personnel themselves. Having the best security system must be a priority to guarantee a safe environment with maximum protection.

At Microsegur we are experts in security for companies, industries and projects, and we offer you the best advice and technology on the market in terms of protection and security for construction works. Don’t hesitate and contact us so we can offer you a solution adapted to the specific needs of your business or project.